Status of UFG & Order Pausing

Hey Everyone, it's probably clear to everyone at this point that we are behind. Many of you, understandably so, assume we're a scam site, but we're not, we're just behind. Because of this we are pausing orders through January 1st, we're doing this to provide ourselves time to get caught up and orders fulfilled.

For those of you who don't know, UFG started as a side passion project by myself about a year and a half ago, I never imagined the amount of demand there was for the products we produced. Given this it made sense to manufacture orders as they came in, however as lots of orders started rolling in, and when I started dealing with some health issues, it caused me to get way farther behind that I ever expected.

I'm very sorry to everyone for the experience we have provided as of late, this is never what I wanted with this project, and I'm working on making changes to address these issues. My goal is to get fully caught up through the end of the month, and to start stocking products rather than making things to order so that we can ship things out within a day or two.

For those of you who are understandably upset, I have created this order cancellation form: Cancel Order Here. I'll issue full refunds to anyone who doesn't want to deal with us anymore and just wants their money back. If not we are still working on your orders.

I'm also working on setting up a new process for getting support, I know many of you are upset that you haven't been able to get a hold of us, so this is something I'm also working on resolving.

I hope overtime I'm able to rebuild you're guys trust. Thanks for your time reading this, and have a great one.

Order Cancelation Form


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